Dismissal Procedures

Parents/Guardians are expected to identify the way their child will go home each day.  Students may be identified as a “Walker”, “Bus Rider”, or “Parent Pick-Up”.  Parents/Guardians of walkers and parent pick-up students are expected to arrive on time.  Dismissal occurs at 2:40 PM.  The School District of Lee County is not responsible for the supervision of students 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after the student school day.


  • Walkers:  Parents/Guardians of walkers will line up along the sidewalk in front of the historic building of the school.  Each parent/guardian will hold their school provided “walker pass” indicating their child’s name and grade level.  Parents be invited to walk up the stairs to pick up their child at the front door of the historic building.  Together they will dismiss by walking down the other stairs to leave campus.  Staff will host the dismissal process in order to ensure safety and security.


  • Bus Riders:  Students riding the bus will be escorted to the bus ramp.  Staff will ensure safety and security by monitoring the bus dismissal process.



  • Parent Pick-Up:  Parents/Guardians will place the school provided “Parent Pick Up” Car Sign on their dashboard.  Staff will call for the student to stand at a cone.  Parents/Guardians will safely follow the traffic to the cone with their child.  Staff will provide support to ensure safety and security.


Special Note:  If a parent/guardian needs to change the dismissal plan for their child, please send in a signed note with the child.  This note should be given to the classroom teacher immediately upon arrival to school.  Parents/Guardians may also send an email stating the change to the front office. All dismissal changes must be completed before 12:45 PM to ensure a safe and secure dismissal for each student.